Thursday, December 10, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Friday, October 23, 2015
Preparation Videos
Use these videos from HBO's John Adams to help you prepare for our reenactment. Pay attention to how they interact with each other, how they are dressed, and what specific delegates say. Not every delegate is a character in the show, so only the most well known ones are. But you can still get ideas, especially since your delegate most likely agreed with one of the men that speaks a lot. Also, this is not 100%, but it still gives you a great idea of what it might have been like.
Nominating George Washington as General and news about Bunker Hill
Olive Branch Petition
King's Response to the Olive Branch
John Adams speech
Vote For Independence
Thursday, October 22, 2015
2nd Continental Congress How To Guide
Check out this video to help you in creating your costume and preparing for the debate!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
The 2nd Continental Congress Reenactment
As you begin your research for the delegate that has been assigned to you, use all of these helpful links to aid you in becoming an expert on your delegate. This is the person you will portray during our reenactment after fall break. Of course, if you cannot find all the information you need, just "Google" your person's name, or the topic you are researching.
(I know this is Wikipedia article, but it can still give you the basic information.)
Colony Information
(Click on your colony's link for mor info on this site.)
Intolerable Acts
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Olive Branch Petition
Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)
Common Sense
(I know this is Wikipedia article, but it can still give you the basic information.)
Colony Information
(Click on your colony's link for mor info on this site.)
Intolerable Acts
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Olive Branch Petition
Battle of Bunker Hill (Breed's Hill)
Common Sense
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Video 6- "Britain, I'm Having 2nd Thoughts About Us"
A little long, which is why we are doing it in class. Lots of review about Lexington and Concord, plus all the new info you will need for the next few days.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
For Crown or Colony?
Today you will start playing the game, For Crown or Colony? and will be in the shoes of a 14 year old apprentice in Boston. To help us save time with registering and getting the game set up, follow these instructions:
1. Click HERE to go to the site.
2. Next, click Register. When registering, fill in all the spaces with a red star. Your username should be your first name and last name as one word, (DerrickLindow), and your password should be your lunch number. For the reminder question select "pet's name" and type in Dog for answer. Even if you don't have a dog, do this to save time. Continue to fill in Owensboro, KY for city/state and then select that you are a student and select the correct grade level. Once you have finished that click submit.
3. A THANK YOU FOR REGISTERING page will pop up next. When that happens, go to the top of the screen and hover your mouse over the "Play" tab. Then go down and click on Mission 1: For Crown or Colony?
4. You will now be at the main menu for the game. Click Play. A chapter screen will now come up. DO NOT CLICK PART 1....don't do it. I know you want to, but don't. Instead click on the "Prologue" button and begin playing the game.
5. Also, do not forget about your vocab sheet!
Monday, September 14, 2015
Video 5 is up and ready! "Tea Anyone?"
***NOTE: not my baby in the video...
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The Boston Massacre Trial
Hello everybody. If you are reading this it is because you were chosen by your class to have a specific role in our recreation of the trial for the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre. Did I mention it will be broadcast live through Periscope? Well it is! Below is some stuff to help you get prepared for our reenactment. This is the first year I have done this, but I'm confident that it will be awesome.
Judge-Your job will be to keep both sides from getting out of control. You act like a referee while the trial is going on. Your word is law. If you tell someone to silence themselves, it must happen. If you order someone to come forth and testify, that too must happen. For more help, click HERE.
Prosecutor- You will be playing two people warped into one. Both Robert Treat Paine and Samuel Quincy. Your job is to convince the jury that the soldiers are guilty of murdering 5 Boston colonists. Read up on the trial and events to come up with questions for your witnesses. Also, prepare a very short speech that you will give at the end of the trial to try one last time to convince the jury that the soldiers are guilty.
Defense (John Adams)- You will be playing the role of John Adams, the main defense attorney for Captain Preston and the other soldiers. How are these men NOT guilty? Could some of the witnesses be lying about what they saw? Make the jury doubt the witnesses that go against you. Make sure you are putting all the pieces of the puzzle together!
"The biggest influence exercised by defence lawyers on trials was through the cross-examination of prosecution witnesses. Defence counsel was often able to question the motives of the prosecutor in bringing the case, and of witnesses for testifying for the prosecutor. When the principals were eligible to receive a reward for a successful conviction, as was the case with thief-takers, or, could earn immunity from prosecution for testifying against accomplices, their word in court was open to doubt. This led to the expectation that evidence from accomplices should be corroborated by another witness. Defence lawyers also contributed to increased scepticism about hearsay evidence and pre-trial confessions, and their participation meant that in some cases defendants no longer needed to speak at all. This eventually led to defendants acquiring the privilege of remaining silent; and in the process contributed to shifting the burden of proof onto the prosecutor."
Captain Thomas Preston- You are the captain that was in charge of the group of soldiers involved. The main question will be, "Did you give the order to fire?" Read Captain Preston's account HERE.
Soldiers: You were involved in the shooting deaths of 5 Boston colonists. Be prepared to give your account of what happened. For a list of soldiers, click HERE for their bios and accounts of what happened.
Accounts from other witnesses: Click HERE to see what other witnesses had to say. You will notice that they are all very different.
***If you have any questions, please contact me!!!
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Video 4: You know what really grinds my gears? Taxes!
So now we start to see the colonists get really mad about stuff for the first time. I mean, the British really grind the colonists' gears here.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Conquest Update and Class Stuff
The second full week of school is upon us and in full swing! We've had Verso discussions and dove into some primary sources to help us with our learning about the English Settlements. Here's what the rest of the week is going to look like:
Wednesday Thursday:
Look closely at a letter from Jamestown settler Sebastian Brandt. Little is known about Brandt, but his account tells us how dangerous a place this "new world" could still be, even 10 years after settlement. Since Brandt's letter is full of misspellings and words we no longer use, we will transcribe it so that your every day, modern person will be able to easily read it.
Also on these days, we will look at selections from 2 of John Smith's famous writings, "General History" and "True Relation." They both mention the same event of meeting Pocahontas, but man, they tell totally different stories. Which one is true? Neither? Maybe both? We will let you decide. Before we do, I'm going to try to get the real things read and let you know if there is anything else you need to know to help you make up your mind.
Also, Video Number 3 will be assigned. It will focus on the Plymouth Colony, plus talk about the Puritans and Pilgrims, the Mayflower, and the First Thanksgiving. Pretty interesting stuff.
I guess we will move into what you really want to read about...the Conquest Updates.
White 1: In talks with the neighboring Native Civilization, the "Tlaxmecs." Their emperor demanded 2 cannons, and men to train his warriors on how to use them to even begin talks. He also threatened to annihilate White 1's colony if they did not give those items. They may talk of a trade deal. Will be posted soon.
White 3: Bolstered their military capabilities with the addition of 300 of King Lindow's Royal Marines. Also in talks with the Olmexaya's on a possible alliance to destroy a neighboring French colony.
White 4: Added 400 of King Lindow's Marines and purchased some specialized jobs. They are in a terrific place for a colony.
If you were just assigned a specialized job by your colony and need help on what to do, please come see me. I will help you through what you need to do to help your colony succeed.
Monday, August 17, 2015
Jamestown....Starvation, Cannibalism, and Assassination Attempts!
Welcome to the informative post about Jamestown and the other nearby settlements that helped England get a permanent foothold in the Virginia area. All of this info will also help you out immensely with the Colony Competition. Those with specific jobs or on specific committees should be very diligent in making sure you know as much about these settlements as possible to make sure your colony succeeds and is not destroyed by disease, Native or Spanish attacks, or a lack of money. I King Lindow reward the colonies that make every effort to succeed for the glory of Lindowvaria.
Now, here are some things to help you out. I've added links to websites that have tons of helpful articles, as well as some videos that can help.
History of Jamestown Secondary Source Clink on the link to go to a short history of Jamestown. While you are there, click up on "History" to go to some other sub sections about specific people and events. If you look for it, you can take a virtual tour of the place as well.
Henricus Colony This link will take you to information about Jamestown's neighbor, Henricus. These settlements had very different beginnings and endings, but both made huge mistakes. This link will also show you about the different types of buildings (architects take note), Very cool things. Also a load of videos to help out.
This short video gives a brief history of the colony of Henricus with plenty of reenactors to really give you a feel of what the colony was like.
How were the settlers and militia armed? Check out the above video to find out. Militia Commanders take note!
And what happens when these rounds hit a target? Check this one out too!
Interview with an English colonist at Henricus-If you watch any of them, check out this one. It is an interview with a settler named Proctor and his wife on why they chose to live where they do and the dangers they face every day. They also discuss tobacco and how important it was.
And how did they harvest tobacco? Have you ever done it before? I bet if you watch this you will see just how different it was in the 1600's.
Perspective Videos-These videos give you the perspective of Jamestown from King James all the way to the Powhatan and slaves.
Now, here are some things to help you out. I've added links to websites that have tons of helpful articles, as well as some videos that can help.
History of Jamestown Secondary Source Clink on the link to go to a short history of Jamestown. While you are there, click up on "History" to go to some other sub sections about specific people and events. If you look for it, you can take a virtual tour of the place as well.
Henricus Colony This link will take you to information about Jamestown's neighbor, Henricus. These settlements had very different beginnings and endings, but both made huge mistakes. This link will also show you about the different types of buildings (architects take note), Very cool things. Also a load of videos to help out.
This short video gives a brief history of the colony of Henricus with plenty of reenactors to really give you a feel of what the colony was like.
How were the settlers and militia armed? Check out the above video to find out. Militia Commanders take note!
And what happens when these rounds hit a target? Check this one out too!
Interview with an English colonist at Henricus-If you watch any of them, check out this one. It is an interview with a settler named Proctor and his wife on why they chose to live where they do and the dangers they face every day. They also discuss tobacco and how important it was.
And how did they harvest tobacco? Have you ever done it before? I bet if you watch this you will see just how different it was in the 1600's.
Perspective Videos-These videos give you the perspective of Jamestown from King James all the way to the Powhatan and slaves.
Video 1...Exploration Review Part 1
Exploration Review Part 1
The first video of the year is up and ready to view! Please feel free to ask questions if you are having trouble figuring anything out. This is our first video, so I don't expect it to go smooth 100%. If you cannot get the video to work, your computer stops working, or if you don't have a good enough internet connection, please come to ESS or Panther Prep! I will be on bus duty this week, so you can also ask me while I am in the gym. Plenty of stuff in here to help your colony get started on the right foot!
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Here. We. Go.
The first day of school has officially arrived! I am so excited to be able to get to know each and every one of you this school year. I guarantee you that you will not ever have a class like this! You are going to be learning so much and having a blast at the same time. How can history be fun you ask? Well for one, it is the most awesome, amazing subject out there! I am a bit biased though being a history teacher. Why will you like it? How about being out of your seat, working with your peers, acting things out, using technology in cool ways, and pretending like we are the people we are studying? Also, we are starting something new this year called "The Conquest of Lindownia." I won't give many details here, but let's just say it's like the show Survivor and will quickly have you and your classmates working closely together. You. Will. Love. This. These are only a FEW of the cool things we will do in class this year and will make this class a fond memory for you when you are in high school. Say good bye (At least for this year) of mind numbing lectures that last an entire class period and writing mountains of notes until your hand is about to fall off. This will be different for you and you will never forget it. I'm pretty sure our Battle of Yorktown reenactment was something that last years student's won't ever forget! I hope you enjoy this school year as much as I will, and I'm pretty sure you will. 8th grade is a great year
PARENTS! Use this blog/site to keep up to date with what your student is doing in US History. Feel free to subscribe to get email notifications when there is an update to the site, which will hopefully be every 2 days. The blog/site will inform you and your students about what we are doing in class, and what their assignments are. All assignments (If possible) will be attached and accessible here. On the right hand side of the page, there is a section where everything your student gets in class is located. This is also where you will find the homework videos that will sometimes be assigned. You will also notice there is a section for the class Instagram and Twitter (Both are @DCMSHistory1776). These accounts do not follow back, but these too will be great tools to keep you and your students up to date with what is going on in the classroom. This generation is the most tech savvy generation the world has ever seen. Why not harness some of that power for good and improve their education? I am looking forward to working with you and your student this school year! As always, feel free to contact me via e-mail at
PARENTS! Use this blog/site to keep up to date with what your student is doing in US History. Feel free to subscribe to get email notifications when there is an update to the site, which will hopefully be every 2 days. The blog/site will inform you and your students about what we are doing in class, and what their assignments are. All assignments (If possible) will be attached and accessible here. On the right hand side of the page, there is a section where everything your student gets in class is located. This is also where you will find the homework videos that will sometimes be assigned. You will also notice there is a section for the class Instagram and Twitter (Both are @DCMSHistory1776). These accounts do not follow back, but these too will be great tools to keep you and your students up to date with what is going on in the classroom. This generation is the most tech savvy generation the world has ever seen. Why not harness some of that power for good and improve their education? I am looking forward to working with you and your student this school year! As always, feel free to contact me via e-mail at
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Flight to Freedom Game
To play the game, click on this link: Flight to Freedom
When you arrive at the site, you must register. For your username, use this example:
FirstNameLastNameDC, like DerrickLindowDC
Your password should be either "panther" or your lunch number. Go quickly through the other setup stuff so you can get playing.
Once you have registered follow these steps:
Click on "PLAY" and then click on MISSION 2.
Select "NEW GAME"
Click on the "PROLOGUE." Do not go straight to part one.
Good luck and I hope you survive or escape to freedom!
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Review Help!
If you are wanting some extra help, here are some things to get you ready for the test. First of all, the study guide is located on the right side of this article. You may have to scroll down a bit, but it is entitled Early Republic Study Guide. Also, this Crash Course video is great for the War of 1812. I ended up not doing a review video since it is all on the study guide and that would just be redundant. If you want to see/hear some sort of review, go to the videos and skim through those to get what you need. As always, come see me if something just does not make sense. Plus, do NOT forget about your projects due on Tuesday and Wednesday!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Video 15, James Monroe
Video 15 is up! Remember, do not use a video notes guide for this one. All of the directions will be given to you, so listen very carefully. Also, don't forget to check out the links in the previous post to help you with your projects. If you need help on anything, please do not hesitate to ask!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
The Early Republic Project Has Begun!
Hello amazing students! This is one of my favorite projects of the year. I started it last year and it was lot of fun seeing what everyone created! Remember, you have the menu to choose what you want to do to show me what you learned from the Early Republic Era. You can do Twitter, Instagram, a newspaper, research paper, short story, History Channel Documentary, or even a movie! I've started posting info on the class Twitter account (see Twitter feed on the side) and on the class Instagram (again, see side of the website). Visit these amazing websites to get all the information you need! Also, if you are doing an event, tell me and I will help you find resources for that too! It is going to be a great experience for you all! It is really fun for me too, being able to see some of the things you are creating as soon as you do that on my phone! As always, if you have ANY questions, or need help on anything, you know I am always here to guide you along. Please do not hesitate to ask for help!
Now, for the links that will help you if you are doing one of the six people mentioned in class.
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Alexander Hamilton
Check this out too so you can find even more info!!!
I'll be sure to post more stuff on the Twitter and Instagram accounts, as well as on here, as we go along. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have all the rubrics posted on here for you to view at any time!
Now, for the links that will help you if you are doing one of the six people mentioned in class.
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
James Monroe
Alexander Hamilton
Check this out too so you can find even more info!!!
I'll be sure to post more stuff on the Twitter and Instagram accounts, as well as on here, as we go along. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have all the rubrics posted on here for you to view at any time!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Lindow News Network's First Broadcast!
Now this isn't as good as Ron Burgundy, but I think it will do for now. I need volunteers who are good at being anchors to eventually take over. Let me know if you are interested.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
News Update!!!
Due to a faculty meeting after school and a masters class immediately afterwards, the news update will not be posted until later tonight. Check back around 7. Lots of interesting stuff!
Test Review for the Constitution and Bill of Rights
I hope you all are ready for your tests on Thursday and Friday! I put together a small list of some videos that should help you out a little bit, and maybe even remember it later. This stuff is meant to help you, so you watch whatever you need. Also, if you need more specifics on the Bill of Rights, rewatch the video that I made (It is further down in another post). I would start watching from the bottom and work your way up to the top. Below the videos are are some things you need to remember in picture form. These will really help you out!
Bill of Rights, probably better than the video I made...
The Virginia Plan
(This does not mention the important info about Representation...Remember, the Virginia Plan called for representation to be based on POPULATION! More Population=More Power)
The New Jersey Plan
The Preamble
The Constitutional Convention
Other stuff to remember:
Monday, January 12, 2015
Today was an interesting day with the Red Day classes and the actions of their governments. None of the nations were challenged today, but perhaps they declared challenges of their own.
Like I mentioned above, today was a quiet day in terms of war and challenges. None of the Red Day classes were challenged. I believe a lot of classes are going on the defensive in order to build up their treasuries in order to mount larger challenges in the coming days.
Treaty Discussions:
Not much to report on this today as well. Multiple treaties are in the approval stages in their senates, while other nations are currently having talks. However, no country has of yet broken a treaty with another nation.
National News:
Yeetopia's congress discussed possible impeachment today, but it was not a unified body. Some called for the President's removal citing the recent failed challenge on New New England. However, President DiGiorgio had a powerful voice in Representative Warren, who staunchly defended the president by saying it was the entire nation's fault for the disaster as they all voted in favor of the challenge. Yeetopia appears to be on the mend though. Today, their treasury collected an astounding $15,000 to give their economy some life again. Don't expect Yeetopia to be at the bottom for long.

New New England conducted a presidential approval poll today. President Cowan received very high approval ratings, probably due to the fact that New New England is currently on top and in the lead. They expressed their confidence in him as well.
Also today during lunch, an international summit was held as representatives and heads of state from all nations attended. The heads of state will soon all have their own official Twitter accounts to better communicate with their constituents and each other. Plus, each nation will soon have a Secretary of the Press, who will be in charge of the media that is shared with the rest of the world. This may be a committee type job to better get the material. Any head of state or member of a presidential cabinet may come see me in the mornings to get this started. Check back tomorrow for more breaking news!
Friday, January 9, 2015
Bill of Rights Video
The Bill of Rights video is now here on the website, sorry about that. Just use your notes sheet and fill it in as you go through the video.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Are you committed to the victory of your country/class? You should be!
Yeetopia saw it's first action by joining in the war against New New England. Yeetopia challenged New New England $8,000 Lindow Bucks in saying good bye to their teacher as they leave the class. Every student did so in Yeetopia, as they did in New New England. Since New New England met the challenge,Yeetopia now has to pay $16,000, an enormous loss. The challenge of $8,000 Lindow Bucks is the highest challenge that has been issued thus far. The challenge also marks 4 nations on the list of countries that have issued a challenge against the New New England. The only one to not yet do so is Raviolia. Why they have not yet done so is a mystery. But that's not it for New New England. Acirema also challenged New New England on 2 topics! $2,000 for having heads down, and $2,000 for talking out of turn/place. The result was split. Acirima won the battle of talking, but lost the heads down battle. That means New New England pays $2,000 to Acirema, but Acirema pays $4,000 to New New England. Think that is all for New New England? Wrong. Yet another country, Nae Nae Nation, also challenged New New England $2,000 Lindow Bucks to filling out their agendas. The result of this clash was another victory for New New England.
New New England's Earnings in one day: $26,000, while paying out only $8,000.

Treaty Discussions:
The treaty discussions reported yesterday between Yeetopia and Acirema have come to a standstill. Acirema's senate asked for revisions, but the revised treaty has yet to reach Secretary of State Stallings or President DiGiorgio. President DiGiorgio expressed hope that the two sides would still come to an agreement.
National News:
After plans of Redthreetopia's challenge toward Nae Nae Nation appeared to be leaked by a spy, Redthreetopia took action against one of their own citizens for the crime. He will face a trial next week, pending an investigation. President Meador is seeking banishment from Redthreetopia as she expressed concern to this writer that forgiveness would only allow for more information to possibly be leaked. She also expressed strongly that treason against Redthreetopia cannot be tolerated. Tax collection was today in all classes, and all classes reported modest to large gains.
It appears that many nations are in turmoil. Economic woes have some calling for a new president in a Red Day nation, while a White Day country has a power struggle forming between the Secretary of State and its President. Might we be seeing a change in power and alliances if this happens? Maybe so. Will some nations split into two and force a civil war? Also, after multiple challenges issued today, it is obvious that some alliances will be broken. The alliances that are breaking has yet to be fully known. Today wraps up a very intriguing and entertaining two days.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
This poster from World War Two really reminded me of some events happening today and yesterday. It appears that many nations have some people leaking information, whether they mean to do so as a spy, or by from being careless.
Today saw an expansion of the ongoing wars and challenges as Nae Nae Nation was challenged by Redthreetopia to washing their hands before lunch. This challenge was won by Nae Nae Nation, as it appeared the information about the challenge reached them before class. The defeat has cost Redthreetopia $10,000 Lindow Bucks, a heavy hit.
Treaty Discussions:
2 groups of nations met during lunch today. While suspicion increased between some nations, it appears that strong bonds were made with others. Once the treaties are ratified by the senates, the information will be posted. Acirema's senate asked for revisions to the treaty between their nation and Yeetopia. Yeetopia's senate will vote on those revisions tomorrow. If it passes, we will have peace between the two for now.
National News:
After tax collections today, many national economies are growing quickly. Hopefully this does not make them the target of weaker nations allied together. Some nations also put measures in place to keep challenges from hurting them and to stop information from getting to other nations (i.e. spies).
Even though Nae Nae Nation was the only class challenged today, a total of 4 challenges were made to 3 different nations. Some obscure, others not so much. The point I'm trying to make here is that you should make sure that you are ALWAYS doing the things that you should be doing anyway. It also appears to the writer, that the thought of a White Day super alliance is dead along with the idea of the Red Day super alliance. Will this happen in the future? Only if they can reconcile their differences and previous injuries to each other.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Here is your daily news roundup concerning the 6 nations:
Acirema and Redthreetopia have both challenged New New England. New New England was able to fight off the attack from Acirema, but succumbed to the attack made by Redthreetopia. After these attacks, Acirema will now owe New New England $1,000 Lindow Bucks, while Redthreetopia will earn $2,750 by winning the challenge. War is still in the air, as challenges have already been issued. Once they occur, you can find the results here tomorrow!
Treaty Discussions:
Multiple meetings occurred today during lunch, most notably those attended by high ranking officials from the nations Redthreetopia, Acirema, NaeNae Nation, and Raviolia. Will peace be kept? We wil find out tomorrow.
Yeetopia's senate has approved a treaty made by President DiGiorgio with Acirema's President Moorman and Secretary of State Brasher. Tomorrow, Acirema's senate will vote on whether to officially approve the treaty or reject it.
National News:
Taxes were collected in all classes today. Some economies appear strong, while others seem fragile. A few nations may need to have their House of Representatives revise their current tax rates. Several laws were passed today as well in order to guard against possible challenges from other classes.
It appears that the Red Day super alliance rumored yesterday to be forming, is not to be as Redthreetopia challenged New New England. In other things around the rumor mill, some very obscure challenges are coming down the pipe....and I mean REALLY obscure. All classes should govern wisely and correct all loose ends before a challenge hurts them too much. It would also aid whoever is reading this to research the Japanese-United States talks of 1941. It appears history is repeating itself with the 6 nations. Also, get your treaties in writing. Several countries are dismissing the verbal agreements made with other nations! Be careful and alert!!!
This concludes the news roundup for today. Stay tuned for more news and happenings with the 6 nations tomorrow afternoon!
Monday, January 5, 2015
Welcome Back and News Update!
Happy first day back everyone! I'm sure you all are just soooo excited to be back! Well, one good thing about coming back is our on going class competition. Six nations are battling it out to see who comes out on top. With that said, here are some of the factual news and rumors that may or may not be true:
Treaty discussions:
Nae Nae Nation and New-New England are currently in talks to create a treaty. No news yet on whether these talks will produce a real, genuine peace or alliance, but it is keeping the two sides from challenging each other for the moment.
Other nations have also been in talks on forging alliances, but high level officials asked to keep these proceedings secret until an outcome is certain. You will hear it here first as to whether there will be tension or peace.
Senior officials of Nae Nae Nation met with representatives from Acirema during lunch today. Their discussions will be kept secret until the officials from both parties have authorized the release of the content of their meeting.
National News:
An apparent spy has been discovered in a White day class. Details of the circumstances and the actual class will also be held secret until the spy has faced his trial next week. If found guilty, a story will be posted here.
Taxes were also collected in two nations for the first time today, significantly growing their national funds, but leaving there citizens with little to spend. A third white day class will opted to collect taxes every other day, so on Wednesday they will collect taxes for the first time.
Today, a class issued the very first challenge towards another class. Was that class successful in their challenge, or will the challenged class come out on top? Find out tomorrow!
1 class has started to create bills that will hopefully become laws for the well being of their nation, while 2 classes participated in the Constitutional Dilemma game.
It is rumored that some of the Red Day classes (Yeetopia, Redthreetopia, and New-New England) are forging a super alliance of Red Day classes. Keep in mind, these are just rumors. Also rumored is that New-New England has a large target on its back and is possibly the target for some nations. Also rumored is a future challenge being issued that consists of pencil, paper, chairs, and desks. Will it happen? Who knows. Also, there have apparently been changes made in the position of Secretary of Defense in 2 nations! There are a large number of reports that spies are on the lose. Some citizens are accepting payment of Lindow Bucks to give information about their own country to a rival nation. Beware of these traitors in your midst!
Treaty discussions:
Nae Nae Nation and New-New England are currently in talks to create a treaty. No news yet on whether these talks will produce a real, genuine peace or alliance, but it is keeping the two sides from challenging each other for the moment.
Other nations have also been in talks on forging alliances, but high level officials asked to keep these proceedings secret until an outcome is certain. You will hear it here first as to whether there will be tension or peace.
Senior officials of Nae Nae Nation met with representatives from Acirema during lunch today. Their discussions will be kept secret until the officials from both parties have authorized the release of the content of their meeting.
National News:
An apparent spy has been discovered in a White day class. Details of the circumstances and the actual class will also be held secret until the spy has faced his trial next week. If found guilty, a story will be posted here.
Taxes were also collected in two nations for the first time today, significantly growing their national funds, but leaving there citizens with little to spend. A third white day class will opted to collect taxes every other day, so on Wednesday they will collect taxes for the first time.
Today, a class issued the very first challenge towards another class. Was that class successful in their challenge, or will the challenged class come out on top? Find out tomorrow!
1 class has started to create bills that will hopefully become laws for the well being of their nation, while 2 classes participated in the Constitutional Dilemma game.
It is rumored that some of the Red Day classes (Yeetopia, Redthreetopia, and New-New England) are forging a super alliance of Red Day classes. Keep in mind, these are just rumors. Also rumored is that New-New England has a large target on its back and is possibly the target for some nations. Also rumored is a future challenge being issued that consists of pencil, paper, chairs, and desks. Will it happen? Who knows. Also, there have apparently been changes made in the position of Secretary of Defense in 2 nations! There are a large number of reports that spies are on the lose. Some citizens are accepting payment of Lindow Bucks to give information about their own country to a rival nation. Beware of these traitors in your midst!
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