Friday, July 25, 2014

Almost that time!

Well, it's almost that time of year again.  Summer has flown by as always and the first day of school is just around the corner.  I doubt you (My new students) will read this before school starts, but there is that chance where former students may stumble upon this.  I hope you all had a nice, relaxing summer to recharge and get ready for another school year.  I have to say that mine was a lot of fun this year.  I had the opportunity to go to the beach with my wife and family, and then I was lucky enough to spend an entire week at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello as part of the Monticello Teacher Institute.  

There are going to be a lot of changes to my class this coming school year, and I cannot wait to introduce those to you.  The creative juices have been flowing this summer, and I think I've got some pretty cool stuff up my sleeve for you all this year.  Expect more technology and less "worksheets."  Also, there is going to be tons of extra ways for you to learn something besides the one time in class.  I'm going to start doing 10-15 minute videos that I will post on here to give you the opportunities to hear/see something again.  I mean, it always helps me when I'm learning something to hear it or do it a few times before I really master it.  But that is just a small snippet.  We'll talk about all the other stuff once school starts.  Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer!